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  Ganges River Rafting

Ganges River Rafting - Adventure At Its Best
Ganges, the mother goddess of India, is known all over the world as the most sacred river of the Hindus. Apart from that, the river is considered one of the best rivers rafting sites in the world. The river Ganges has always remained a mystery for rafters and full of surprises for the rafters. The mystic river with its staircase rapids, challenges the spirit of river rafting enthusiasts. Ganges River Rafting takes one to the unexplored areas and close to the people living in those areas. The Ganges smoothly flowing past the hillsides and forests provides a thrilling experience. There are many rivers rafting sites in river Ganges, Rishikesh is the ideal starting point for experienced as well as beginners. The Ganges river rafting stretch of 36 kms from Kaudiyala to Rishikesh has 12 major rapids, which needs some basic rafting training.

Rafting through the Ganges
Rafting through the Ganges is an above the world experience, which attracts large number of the rafters. The Ganges river rafting begins at a very calm spot, where river rafters can enjoy some easy racing adventure. As the river approaches the rapids, the riders have to very alert and have to put all their concentration on-board and man oeuvre the oars in a well-planned fashion.

The balancing skills of the rafter develop more and more with facing more powerful rapids. After rapidly flowing through the rapids, rocks and forests the Ganges becomes surprisingly calm at last signpost ahead of Rishikesh.

Essential Gears
One must carry ordinary outdoor gear, goggles and antiseptic cream etc. During summers one should carry a simple swimsuit, nylon shorts, tennis shoes or sandals, and a hat. Additional clothing is required during spring and autumn. Always dress in layers so that you can easily add or remove articles, as your requirements. Cotton cloths should be avoided except summer, wool, polyester fleece and other synthetic materials are ideal as they keep the body warmer. Other must not forget items are sunscreen, sunglasses with a strap to secure them and a camera.

Ganges River Rafting Tips
• One must be physically and mentally fit.
• One should not have any fear of water.
• Carry dray bags or boxes to bring small personal items and clothes.
• Take necessary medications like inhalers, bee-sting kits and insulin etc.
• Take some basic rafting training at Rafting institutes run in the Ganges range.

(Ganges River Rafting : Reservation Form)

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